Website Updates - Post-Migration (late May/early June 2021)
As this site now becomes my primary website, these updates are now called Website Updates! The first round of website updates reflect updates happening after the migration in late May/early June 2021. Here’s everything that’s new:
CenHud Outage Trends (Version 3) has been added to the website
CenHud Outage Trends was renamed to CenHud Outage Trends (Version 2), and is now filed under experiments.
Updates has been renamed to Website Updates
A more index has been added to the secondary navigation - and includes two links for now.
Minor improvements across the website.
(Finished 6/3) - More top level pages from WordPress have been migrated.
(Finished 6/3) - Reworded the about page to shorten things & reflect new projects.
(Finished 6/4) - Added some new videos to OctoCam including a wide-angle demo video.
I’m continuing to work on open-sourcing projects on the portfolio that came out in September 2020 and later (with the exception of Version 5). I’m hoping to complete this process by the end of June.
Enjoy the updates to the website!