

PIPupdate is a script made in Python to allow batch updating of all the PIP libraries installed in Python, since the default package manager, PIP, doesn’t have an update all function.

It’s not a great solution - as batch updating everything may lead to some dependency issues. That’s why I took the screenshots using Termux on my phone, in a more controlled environment.

With newer PIP versions, this script probably doesn’t work (I haven’t tested this script in a loooong time)

Lines of code: ~350

Languages: Python

Timeframe: December 2016 - Present

You can view the source code for this project here.

 Main setup screen of PIPupdate. It asks for confirmation before it does the updating.

Main setup screen of PIPupdate. It asks for confirmation before it does the updating.

 After confirmation, PIPupdate starts the update process. Using colorama, I made the colors of the PIPupdate green to differentiate it from the output of pip.  The progress bars are inline for pip, but because I ran this on my phone it printed every

After confirmation, PIPupdate starts the update process. Using colorama, I made the colors of the PIPupdate green to differentiate it from the output of pip.

The progress bars are inline for pip, but because I ran this on my phone it printed every line (limited screen width)

 After all the updates, the script is complete.

After all the updates, the script is complete.