Snow Day Tools
The Snow Day Tools is a collection of Bootstrap-based tools to help manage the Snow Day API. After getting tired of using Termux to type curl requests in, I decided on such a magical thing as making simple web tools to do the trick.
And they did the trick pretty well, for what it’s worth! I did go a bit overboard on the number of tools, though…
Lines of code: ~500
Languages: HTML, JavaScript
Frameworks: Bootstrap, Snow Day API
Timeframe: A day
You can view the source code for this project here.
The tools index page for the Snow Day Tools. Please excuse the dock shadow from macOS.
The register number tool, with all the possible query values for that endpoint.
And the subscribe number tool (register number requires confirmation, subscribe doesn’t). All the tools use the same basic theme. Just with different input areas.
Look, the Unsubscribe Number tool! It unsubscribes numbers!
The new message tool is the one I used a lot, as this is the one to make a new message blast. Shown here is with the message template on…
…and the message template off.
Here’s the ban number tool. There really is a functionality to ban numbers in the Snow Day API (feature creep really hit hard).
And of course, a tool to unban numbers as well.